If the PAGE field displays correctly but prints as a field code, then you
need to change a setting in the Print Options. Where you find these will
depend on the version of Word (which should always be stated).
Word 2003 or earlier: Tools | Options | Print: Include with document: Clear
the check box for "Field codes."
Word 2007: Office Button | Word Options | Advanced: Print: Clear the check
box for "Print field codes instead of their values."
Word 2010/2013: File | Options | Advanced: Print: Clear the check box for
"Print field codes instead of their values."
Post by LFD3290How do I remove { PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT } from my footer and replace with
numerical page numbering?
I did the Alt=F9 and it toggled on screen but continued to show { PAGE \*
MERGEFORMAT } on every page I printed, so I had to just leave a 121 page
printout with no page numbers. i tried to look through MS help but for some
reason they ramble about nothing that actually fixes an issue(long time prob
with MS).
Why can't they just make it UI friendly.
Does the developer actually test people to try the product and watch their
reactions? See what issues people have and re-code?.. That is what needs to
happen because i have seen way too many questions on the net that MS should
have been able to answer in simple terms..