Don't know all that you've explored, but if there is anything in the footer
area, make sure that the footer spacing (From edge: Footer) in Page Setup -
Layout tab is not set larger than needed.
The other setting that might be giving you too much space is if the
footnote's paragraph After spacing is set too high (Format - Paragraph -
After), or if the line spacing has a multiple setting (Format - Paragraph -
Line spacing).
Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible
Post by PascalDear Suzanne,
I just wanted to know if you managed to find a solution to problem of the
blank below the footnotes. Thanks a lot in advance
Pascal V.
Post by Suzanne S. BarnhillSee, but if the space is
actually below the footnotes and not above, then the article may not help,
as it sounds as if something else is going wrong.
Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Post by GraeHi Suzanne,
Thanks for your suggestion. I already had the footnotes set to Bottom of
page. I fiddled with the bottom page margin and that helped. I checked the
footer and it does not appear to be overlapping with the white space. I still
however have a white space of about 1-1.5 lines which should not be there
given the margin setting.
Post by Suzanne S. BarnhillSet the footnotes to "Bottom of page" instead of "Below text"?
Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Post by GraeHi,
How do I remove the large space that appears between footnotes and the
bottom of the page in Word?